ஞாயிறு, 20 மே, 2012


§ Do regular exercise to maintain neck strength, flexibility and range of motion. 
§ Use firm mattress, thin pillow. 
§ Do turn to one side while getting up from lying down position. 
§ Wear a cervical collar during the day. 
§ Regularly walk or engage in low-impact aerobic activity. 
§ In order to avoid holding the head in the same position for long periods, take break while driving, watching TV or working on a computer. 
§ Use a seat belt when in a car and use firm collar while traveling. 
§ When in acute pain take rest, immobilize the neck, and take medications as directed. 

§ Avoid sitting for prolonged period of time in stressful postures. 
§ Avoid running and high-impact aerobics, if you have any neck pain. 
§ Do not lift heavy weights on head or back. 
§ Avoid bad roads, if traveling by two or four wheelers. 
§ Do not drive for long hours; take breaks. 
§ Avoid habit of holding the telephone on one shoulder and leaning at it for long time. 
§ Do not take many pillows below the neck and shoulder while sleeping. 
§ Do not lie flat on your stomach. 
§ In order to turn around, do not twist your neck or the body; instead turn around by moving your feet first. 
§ Do not undergo spinal manipulations if you are experiencing acute pain. 
What are the bad postures that can worsen cervical spondylitis? 

1. The head held forward from normal position 
2. The shoulders held up and forward 
3. The chest bent and rounded 
4. The pelvic area tilted backwards 
5. The hips, knees and ankles bent

Attribution: http://www.citehr.com/52276-cervical-spondylitis.html#ixzz1vMI5uCWq