வெள்ளி, 21 மார்ச், 2014

The briefcase and the miniskirt

A day without laughter is a day wasted. Keep smiling....
Interesting reactions of different nationalities for the same "accident"
The briefcase and the miniskirt
Tokyo, Japan
A man was walking past a young girl, when a jagged edge of his
briefcase accidentally tore her miniskirt. Before the man could
apologize, the girl bowed deeply, and said, “I humbly apologise for this error. The quality of my skirt is not good.” Then she took out a pin, put the skirt back together and left.
New York, USA
A man was walking past a young girl, when a jagged edge of his
briefcase accidentally tore her miniskirt. Before the man could react, the woman pulled out a business card and gave it to him saying, “This is my lawyer’s card. He will contact you about this sexual harassment matter. See you in court, buddy!”
London, England
A man was walking past a young girl, when a jagged edge of his
briefcase accidentally tore her miniskirt. Before the man could react, the girl quickly covered the torn spot with a newspaper, and said with a blush on her face, “Do you mind taking me home, sir? I live not far away.” The Englishman took his jacket off, put it on her, called a cab and took her home safely.
Paris, France
A man was walking past a young girl, when a jagged edge of his
briefcase accidentally tore her miniskirt. Before the man could react, the girl murmured with a smile, “A red rose can best convey your apology, monsieur.” The Frenchman bought her a rose, then they went to 
a nearby cafe, drank some wine, and retired to a discreet little hotel for the rest of the afternoon.
Sydney, Australia
 A man was walking past a young girl, when a jagged edge of his
briefcase accidentally tore her miniskirt. Before the man could
apologize, the girl turned around, took out a hunting knife, ripped
the side of his trousers and said, "OK, now we're even, mate", and then they both went off to down a few pints of amber nectar together.
Shanghai, China
A man was walking past a young girl, when a jagged edge of his
briefcase accidentally tore her miniskirt. Before the man could say anything, the police came and took him away to labour camp
Taipeh, Taiwan
A man was walking past a young girl, when a jagged edge of his
briefcase accidentally tore her miniskirt. Before the man could say anything, the girl smiled and said, “We have not settled on the price yet, and you want to inspect the merchandise already?”
Seoul, Korea
A man was walking past a young girl, when a jagged edge of his
briefcase accidentally tore her miniskirt. Before the man could say anything, the girl swivelled on her toes and delivered a rounded kick to the side of his head, saying, “Do you not know, mister, that I have a second degree black belt in taekwondo?”
Phuket, Thailand
A man was walking past a young girl, when a jagged edge of his
briefcase accidentally tore her miniskirt. Before the man could
apologize, the girl said with a Buddha hand gesture, “No worries,
honey, I'm the same as you down there.”
Rawalpindi, Pakistan
A man was walking past a young girl, when a jagged edge of his
briefcase accidentally tore her miniskirt. Before the man could
apologize, his burqa-clad wife nudged him hard and said, "What's the matter, are you day-dreaming of mini-skirts again?"
New Delhi, India
 A man was walking past a young girl, when a jagged edge of his
briefcase accidentally tore her miniskirt. Before the man could
apologize, Arnab Goswami was on Times Now, yelling, "Times Now
is the first TV channel to bring you this outrageous event. It is a Times now 
exclusive. We assure you, we shall track this sordid story to the very end.
The nation is watching!" The PM must answer??

Tips for Dealing with Mean Friends

1. First, decide to love and believe in yourself, and to see your worth and value as a person. Don’t allow the rudeness or cruelty of others erode your personal respect for yourself.
2. Next, don’t allow the actions or words of other people make you feel as if you really don’t belong. It’s better to detach, and to choose to be with others, than to spend time with “friends” who are going to treat you badly.
3. Knowing that, decide not to treat them the way that they treat you. Don’t lower your standards – you’re more mature than that.
4. Don’t acknowledge their messages or answer their calls. Don’t take part in their plans, or do things that they suggest.
5. Make sure you have excuses to not hang out with them – but make sure your excuses are always plausible (For example, you have too much homework, you need to go to soccer practice, you need to do stuff with your family, or don’t have any time).
6. If you happen to see them: smile, say “hi” … then keep on walking. You don’t want to get pulled into some drama with them.
7. Ignore them if they’re rude, or sarcastic and mean. They want you to react, and to feel hurt and rejected.
8. Find a different group of friends who will value who you are – who will always treat you well, and who do things you enjoy.

வியாழன், 20 மார்ச், 2014


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A step to a more peaceful world
When confronted by someone who annoys you:
  1. First of all, you must make a conscious decision that you really want more peace in your life and your world. If you can't do that, don't bother with the following steps, they won't work in the long run.
  2. Take a deep breath and tell yourself they're only annoying you because you've made some decisions about them and yourself that are at odds with each other.
  3. Step back in your mind and simply observe them and yourself interacting with each other. Be the witness that doesn't get emotionally involved. What you're doing here is learning about yourself.
  4. When they've gone, re-run the scenario in your mind and try and figure out exactly what is getting under your skin. Again, you have to come at this from an impartial point of view - you must look at your own beliefs and values as if they belong to someone else if you are to get a clear view of the mechanism of this inner conflict.
  5. If they bopped you on the nose - its obvious they're violent. But what did you do to get in the way? Did you contribute to the anger of the situation by goading them? Should you have parted from them a few years ago? Could you have been more understanding earlier on? "Encouraging your enemies" (see Sananda's Message ) doesn't mean you have to stick it out to the bitter end, if you're in an abusive relationship. But maybe "lay down your weapons" means you at least stop judging them while you walk away. Or don't hit them back. Walk away and tend to your own wounds (including inner ones) instead.
  6. If they merely irritate the stuffing out of you, ask yourself why. Again be impartial. You've probably made a value judgement that you're better than them in some way or their way is wrong. But remember, we're all here for a reason. And as God's omnipresent, He's in them too. If He can love them, maybe we ought to get down off our righteous point of view and at least tolerate them.
  7. Ask the Universe for the willingness to let go of your negative view points towards them.
  8. Ask the Universe again. And again, and again!
  9. Instead of focusing on how they make you angry, focus instead on your life, your projects, your interests and your most cherished dreams. And keep re-focusing on them every time your mind wanders to how irritating that person is. And be patient - you're re-training your mind to work in a more peaceful way here, it will take some time.
  10. If you haven't got enough of your own to keep focused on, get a life! Literally! Go out and make new friends, join a group, take up a hobby. Go for that goal that you've had since you were young. God made you for a reason too. Maybe it's time to find out what that reason is. (Read "What happens if I lose my way").
  11. Chant a mantra to yourself every time you remember, if that helps you keep your mind off that annoying person. "Peace/relax" with the breath is a good one.
  12. And go over different ways you can respond to that person the next time you see them. "If you always do what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always got" is true. So try a response instead of a knee-jerk reaction. Ask questions, be curious about them. "Walk a few steps in the other person's moccasins" is a very wise saying.
  13. Keep asking the Universe for help.
  14. Be forgiving. Of yourself as well as the other person. And be kind. They might be suffering too.
  15. Keep an open mind. Suspend the belief that the situation can't change if you can't actually believe that it will.
  16. Be open to a pleasant surprise. At best, you will end up friends or admiring the other person. At worst, you will at least have learned a little more about yourself, perhaps started a new project, and strengthened your connection with the Universe. And you can't complain at that can you?

    Stop Stressing & Start Living Peacefully

    10 Ways To Stop Stressing & Start Living Peacefully
    If you’re anything like me, you might worry like it’s a second job: if the coffee is good or bad, if we'll get that promotion, and what diseases the future has in store for us. The unfortunate part is that this all-consuming gig doesn’t pay money—it pays in stress, unhappiness, anxiety, and inner turmoil.
    It can feel almost unbearable waiting for these future outcomes to transpire. Sometimes our worries are small and manageable and pass, but sometimes worry becomes a chronic default setting. When we worry chronically, it becomes second nature to live in this revved up state of anxiety and restlessness. Know that you’re not alone; chances are, if you are breathing you are likely worrying.
    Instead of replaying the same old worries day after day, why don’t we look at how to stop worrying and start living peacefully?
    1. Take time for silence.
    We need to first understand why we worry—worry comes from unpleasant thoughts that our mind manifests. When we follow these thoughts, we tend to dwell, fixate, exaggerate and obsess. Through silence, we can become acquainted with these thoughts and through mindfulness and meditation we can change these thoughts.
    2. Get rid of stuff.
    Minimalism is a way to put a stop to the gluttony of the world around us. We live in a society that prides itself on the accumulation of stuff; we eat up consumerism, material possessions, clutter, debt, distractions and noise. But material possessions are things we can lose, and with that comes worry and stress. By adopting a minimalist lifestyle you can throw out what you don’t need in order to focus on what you do need.
    3. Give yourself a safe space.
    Whether your safe space is a room designed for yoga or meditation or simply your bedroom or office, the point is it should be relaxing, a place where you can close the doors to the outside stressors and just breathe.
    4. Create a budget.
    Even though it may seem like you'll never have enough money, you need to stop stressing about it. One way to stop worrying about money is to gain some control over it. Create a budget and follow it.
    5. Organize your time and self.
    When you're overextended, you are being flung in every direction, and when that happens, you’re not really following through on anything or doing anything particularly great. This ignites stress; we want to be perfect for everyone all the time. Make effective use of your time; learn how to say no, set a realistic schedule and forget about the expectations others project onto you.
    6. Stop being influenced by media.
    The media can make us feel like we are not thin, rich, or successful enough. It also instils fear of war, disease and even coffee. The media can be a fear-based breeding ground for worry.
    7. Be rational.
    Ask yourself, “Are my worries realistic?”
    8. Exercise.
    It releases endorphins, which make the brain feel good. Exercise also reduces the body's stress hormones.
    9. Express gratitude.
    Stop worrying about things that may or may not happen and start being thankful for the things you have right now. Developing an attitude of gratitude can transform our states of mind. Spend a few minutes each day, listing things for which you are thankful.
    10. Trust yourself.
    Do you worry about whether you're on the right path? Get quiet so that you can hear the small voice deep inside of you. Your inner GPS won’t steer you wrong.
    Simply tune into your inner compass; it's guiding you in the right direction.
    Remember these things:
    Worrying accomplishes nothing.
    Worrying is bad for you.
    Worrying is the opposite of trust and peace.
    Worrying puts your attention in the wrong direction.
    When worry does grab a hold of you, these fun tips can help stop it from snowballing:
    • Listen to music
    • Go to a party
    • Read a book
    • Have a movie night with your friends
    • Go camping
    • Have a family outing
    • Spend a day at the beach
    Take a relaxing cleansing breath ....
    Aaahhhh. Feel the stress float away.
    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com